Juan A. Módenes, com expert internacional, entra a formar part del Comitè de Direcció del projecte SUSTAINLIS

Juan A. Módenes, com expert internacional, entra a formar part del Comitè de Direcció del projecte SUSTAINLIS

El projecte “Sustainable urban rehabilitation and vulnerable populations in the historical centre of Lisbon- SUSTAINLIS” es realitza conjuntament entre l’Instituto de Ciências Sociais i l’Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, ambdós de la Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal).

SUSTAINLIS compta amb un Comitè de Direcció (Steering Committee) format per tres membres de Portugal i tres d’àmbit internacional, tots ells experts en els diferents sistemes residencials europeus.

Dins l’àmbit internacional, Juan A. Módenes (CED / Departament de Geografia, UAB) forma part del Comitè juntament amb Michael Oxley (Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research, Regne Unit) i Hans Skifter Andersen (Aalborg University, Dinamarca).

Abstract: The aim of SUSTAINLIS is to investigate the effects of housing and urban rehabilitation policies on vulnerable citizens, that is, seniors, migrants, and young adults, living in the historic centre of Lisbon. Within a society highly polarized by economic and political inequalities, and by processes of deregulation, liberalization, and state retrenchment, SUSTAINLIS will develop innovative and locality-sensitive responses to policy development and adaptation. To do so, the project will contribute to theoretical progress in housing and urban policy research and at the same time provide practical knowledge that might inform policy-making to reduce inequality, and promote social capital and cultural heritage. This will be achieved, on the one hand, by providing empirical evidence on the housing conditions, trajectories, needs, preferences and expectations of vulnerable citizens living in the city centre and, on the other, on urban and social strategies relating to socio-territorial territorial cohesion and local circumstances. Moreover, from interdisciplinary and locality-sensitive perspectives, the project will develop innovative policy recommendations to lessen social and spatial inequality and create healthier, habitable, and inclusive spaces.